Markdown Editor
Simple markdown editor with live preview
Markdown Editor: A Quick Guide
What is Markdown?
Markdown is a lightweight markup language that allows you to write plain text and convert it into formatted HTML. It's a simple and easy-to-learn syntax that's ideal for writing blog posts, documentation, and other content.
How to Use Our Markdown Editor
Our Markdown Editor is designed to simplify the process of writing and previewing Markdown content. Here's how it works:
- Input Box: Enter your Markdown text in the first box. You can use the basic Markdown syntax to format your text.
- Output Preview: The second box will display the parsed HTML output, giving you a real-time preview of how your Markdown content will look when rendered.
Basic Markdown Syntax
Here are some of the most common Markdown syntax elements:
- Headings: Use # to create headings. For example, # This is a heading will create a level 1 heading.
- Paragraphs: Separate paragraphs with blank lines.
- Emphasis: Use * or _ for italics. For example, *This text is italic*.
- Strong emphasis: Use ** or __ for bold. For example, **This text is bold**.
- Lists: Use * or - for unordered lists, and 1. for ordered lists.
- Links: Use [link text](link URL). For example, [Google](
- Images: Use . For example, .
Start Writing
Now that you have a basic understanding of Markdown, you can start using our editor to create your own formatted content. Experiment with different syntax elements to see how they affect the output.